Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Big Move

Some of you may not know it but we recently packed ourselves up and moved to Oregon. I left with the kids at the end of January and drove cross country with my mom. We ran into some icy conditions in Wyoming but other than that it was an uneventful trip. We were able to make a stop over in Utah and visit with my brother and sister and their families. Despite all the long days of driving and cold weather we had a pretty good time. We have been semi settled in Oregon for about two months now and Erick has finally made it safely here. We are enjoying hanging out with all of the cousins, aunts, grandparents etc. We are also extremely grateful for the kindness and generosity of my cousins Sarah and Stephanie, who have taken us in and made it possible for us to make this gigantic move to be closer to my family. We will keep everyone updated on the whole job/home issue. Hopefully we will have some good news to report soon.


TheCrowes said...

Yay! You have a blog! I'm glad you all made it safely. I bet it was quite the adventure. We miss you all!

RebeckerOnline said...

Wow. It was great to hear from you. Beautiful family! I have some news coming up soon too. (-: Say hi to Eric for me and for John.